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Customer Complaint Procedure

TrainsPeople shall regard all Customer Complaints as a formal complaint, either verbally or in writing, which concerns the quality of service provided. It may come directly from the Client, or via a third party, e.g. the end user.

Generally, Customer Complaints concern items raised after the completion of the service provided.

The following explains the procedure to be followed in the event of the company receiving a customercomplaint.

In all cases, you must advise your line manager at the earliest opportunity that a complaint hasbeen made.

The TrainsPeople Customer Complaints (NCR) Log folder and report forms are kept by the company HSQE Advisor.

On receiving a complaint –
- At the front of the folder is a number log sheet
- Alongside the next available number, enter the details under the required headings
- Under the section titled “New Complaint Forms”, are the Customer Complaint Form that must be completed. Enter the log number at the top left hand section of the form
- Complete the form as fully as possible at the time the complaint is made
- Whichever member of staff has taken responsibility for investigating the complaint must retain the form and continue to complete / update the form as each stage of the complaint progresses
- Your must at all times advise your line manager of progress
- Once the complaint has been “closed”, place the completed form in the section titled “Closed Complaint Forms” towards the back of the same folder.

Complainant confidentiality will be maintained at all times during the process.

Please see attached example copy of a completed Customer Complaint Form.

If the complaint is sufficient to be deemed Non-Compliance the matter must be raised with the FinanceDirector to ensure – Non Conforming Product Procedure is followed

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West Horndon
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